

Your vehicle’s exhaust system is an important part and should be checked at least once a year. When winter comes, you have to be careful of damages to your exhaust system from icy road conditions. If something in the road causes damage, you will need to get a muffler and exhaust repair quickly to avoid any dangerous effects from harmful gases getting inside your car. The exhaust system and muffler are typically mounted on the bottom rear of most vehicles. At any time, especially during winter driving conditions, these can be damaged by potholes, large bumps, as well as debris in the road such as ice chunks. Driving on frequent short trips is the worst thing you can do for your exhaust system in the cold weather.

Warm up your vehicle

The first 20 minutes of your drive are hardest on your car while it is warming up. When it’s wet out from snow, if your car doesn’t have time to warm up enough, the collected water vapor can’t burn off. The salt that is sprayed on roads can also gather, along with the water underneath your car. Once your car sits turned off, these will corrode the exposed parts, causing your system harm and any moisture inside the muffler will rust. When the weather is nice, wash your car to get rid of all the salt and road grime. Make sure to take the time to warm up your vehicle a few minutes before deciding to drive. This can help it perform better and be efficient.

Exhaust noise

Any sort of exhaust noise coming from your vehicle can mean a serious problem is beginning. Sometimes you may not hear anything, but you could still have a leak, so it is important to inspect your exhaust system often. Any of these noises coming from your car means that you may have damage or a leak, which needs to be fixed before it gets too big. Another thing to watch for is colored smoke coming from the vehicle’s tailpipe. If any of these present themselves, it is time for a repair.

Exhaust systems can be dangerous. The exhaust contains carbon monoxide that could be deadly if it reaches the passenger area of your car. Carbon monoxide has no color or odor. This results in making it difficult to detect and lethal. Any damages and even small exhaust leaks can cause these gases to flow into your car and impair your judgment. Make sure to bring the vehicle in at the first sign of an issue. We we can inspect it for you.