Now that spring is in the air, many changes are put into motion. Some people take this time to clean out closets, dust underneath beds, and swap out their winter clothing for spring and summer wear. This is the perfect time to add general car maintenance to your list of priorities. Keeping your car in shape is a constant concern and just because your car may have made it safely through the rough winter months does not relinquish our vigilance in the warming temperatures. You should construct and adhere to a regular schedule of maintenance so that you can avoid high car repair bills later. Regular maintenance can increase the life of your car and improve your fuel efficiency.

Benefits of General Car Maintenance

If you routinely maintain your car, you will help your car to last longer on the road. Many older cars are still in excellent condition because the owners took time to maintain them. Keeping your car clean will help the paint last longer; by cleaning the outside of your car, you will be washing the road salt, debris, and other damaging agents from the surface that will eat away at your paint job. Your headlights will maintain their brightness by keeping them cleaned.  Keeping your oil changed will help keep the engine cleaner longer and the clean oil will keep debris from accumulating in the engine and causing parts to wear out. Maintaining your fluid levels will keep your car lubricated and sealed from contaminants that can erode delicate parts. You will be able to head off potential problems if you regularly check your car; you will know when parts need replacement before they cause damage that is more expensive and make those changes. You will be more knowledgeable of your electrical system and be able to better diagnose problems.

What is General Car Maintenance?

General car maintenance should include basic tasks such as an oil change, wheel alignment, fluid checks, and checks of the steering and suspension, tires, and exhaust system. When you change your oil, you should make sure that you also change the oil and air filters. The timing in which you change your oil depends on the age and usage of your car and the type of oil that you use. Cars that use synthetic oils can last longer between oil changes than cars that use natural oil. You should check the manufacturer recommendation for scheduling. When you align your wheels, you should also check the tires to make sure they are properly inflated and have an adequate amount of tread. The tread pattern should show an even wear pattern. Rotate your tires if the wear pattern is uneven and install new ones if all of your tires have very little tread. Check your steering and suspension to make sure that your car will be easier and safer to handle. Other tasks you can add are windshield wipers, spark plug and wire replacement, battery check, and brake inspection. Make sure that your brakes are in optimal condition; being able to stop can mean the difference between an accident and a scare.

How Does it Affect The Wallet?

General car maintenance will have a positive impact on your finances. The cost of regular maintenance is far less than the cost of making auto repairs that could have been avoided. For instance, if you make sure that your brakes are in good shape now, you can avoid the high cost of replacing cracked brake drums later. You will also see better fuel efficiency. A well-maintained car will use less gas. Since a car that has dirty filters or clogged lines has to work harder to run, it will use more fuel. Cleaner cars will run more efficiently and burn less fuel and the parts will last longer, giving you a car with a longer lifespan.